I have received a response from the acting crown solicitor

This is my request to him to help resolve this serious miscarriage of justice
Thank you Gareth But I fail to see what the company or I for that matter has to do with the price of fish
Please provide me the information on which you relied I object to being named in proceedings which I was specifically excluded from and prevented from giving vital evidence on behalf of the defendants relating to the identity of the alleged prosecutor
I am pleased to see that you are capable of research and hope that the following will assist in determining if you as crown solicitor acted legally or assisted unwittingly in something sinister
The alleged prosecutor was the Auckland SPCA using an incorrect name on the charge sheet . the charge sheets as evidenced by the charges for Mafia Zeta Paris Astro were in the name of Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals {Auckland) the disposal proceedings before Judge Blackie and Lovell Smith were for THE ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS AUCKLAND (SPCA AUCKLAND)
Both the lower courts in the disposal hearings which were completed before charges were even filed showed that the dogs were disposed of the Auckland SPCA
The Auckland SPCA is a separate legal entity to the RNZSPCA and is defined the constitution of the RNZSPCA as a member society . see page 37 for definition

The Auckland SPCA was dissolved in early 2021 and there was never an amalgamation of the Auckland SPCA into the RNZSPCA
The RNZSPCA gave 5 dogs back through my involvement in 2019 and found that these dogs had been taken without any due process or documentation by Plowright . Plowright also took puppies and returned them later all very un-orthodox
There were also puppies unlawfully disposed of under section 136 AWA by your office to The Auckland SPCA when those dogs were neither seized not subject to charges .see the Lovell Smith decision, this was done through Natalie Walker acting as the Crown solicitor
Then there is the issue that the crown solicitor represented this matter as a crown prosecution when it was a private prosecution even intituling one document as the Queen V . you will find if you go through the records that the RNZSPCA never instructed your office this came to your office through the Anita Killeen pro bono scheme with the Auckland SPCA . Radich had a cousin who was on the Auckland SPCA Board
Vital evidence has been withheld that is the evidence of the council dog control officer Rhys Heatley and puts this case on a par with the findings in the recent Hall matter .
The video footage from the inspectors body cameras have been uploaded here https://vimeo.com/720993011
I have attached a clip taken from the Body worn footage mentioned above which when viewed slowly at 4 seconds in reveals this

further enhancement shows a dog alongside his right leg this dog was the dog which was allegedly euthanised and it was tied with a rope which we have pictures of Heatley holding earlier
Heatley was also at the second seizure and it had not been disclosed that he had visited the scene prior to the entourage walking in . More body camera footage which will be made publicly available will show Davis saying the dogs are really very sweet.
As a former long serving police officer I can tell you from experience that abused dogs are never sweet.
Plowright on the arrival at the second scene stands at a distance and says ” take a photo of her she is tangled ” with that the dog walks away .. did he have great eyesight? or did he know something about the condition of the dogs before his arrival .
Much was made of the condition of one dogs coat and the tipped over water bowls but he court was not told that this scene was a tainted scene due to people who had not given evidence having been there between Janine taking the dogs there in the morning and the being removed by the Inspectors.
Heatley was also essential as a witness due to allegation through hearsay that he as a dog control officer took a call on the morning and instead of carrying out his own duties he called the SPCA… why was this especially in view of him having received one of the unlawfully disposed of puppies, this has implications of bribery and corruption by a public official .
If he had carried out his duties as a dog control officer the dog control legislation would have legitimised what the inspector’s contorted to be unlawful .
I very much suspect that you were asked to do the sentencing and a lawyer must never knowingly deceive the court both Walker and Radich know exactly what is going on . Radich has fundamentally been part of the problem
You will find that instructions about disqualification does not come from the RNZSPCA. The RNZSPCA have only been involved due to the return of the dogs in 2019 . They gave dogs back and allowed Barbara and Janine to own dogs for the next three years without supervision now they allegedly ask for disqualification for 9 years , if Barbara and Janine were such a threat to dogs why leave them with some 50 dogs from 2017-2022 and then ask for them to be banned from owning them for 9 years !!. That simply does not make sense other than they have to be punished for the act of reporting this to the police
In the interview it is made clear that the dogs were taken due to numbers , there is no provision in the AWA for numbers so when the ladies refused to surrender the dogs Plowright had to be creative and after searching high and low for things they could be charged on in the end the answer was to collude with crown law .
There are so many questions like
- why did the charges relate to the day on which the offences occurred but despite this charges were not filed for nearly one and a half years later
- why were the ladies not told of the alleged charges at the time of being interviewed
- why was the reason for seizure not disclosed to them while the body worn cameras show reasons which have never been disclosed .
- Why was there a search warrant unlawfully executed and take all their private notes and
- why was there a need to clone their computer .
- why was Heatley in the barn when Plowright claimed he could not get access, yet he saw and was told by Davis that Heatley was in there .. Look at the video it is revealing https://vimeo.com/720993011
- why did they need the pedigree papers and why were only the dogs with the imported bloodlines taken
The video also shows how the vet Jess Beer a , safe activist can diagnose animals at 20 feet just before the hay barn clip she can be seen diagnosing a dog in the distance as having an ear infection .
I would never have become involved if I did not believe in the innocence of these ladies , I actually went to the farm and saw the passion of their desire to breed champion dogs . The dogs were outstanding champions and the winter was extremely wet and boggy. They were told to build suitable kennels but before they could complete them the inspectors who were intending to take the dogs for ulterior reasons , took them not because they were being harmed but to legitimise theft and get their hands on highly valued dogs
They could not have pulled this off without the use of the crown solicitors office has been used to pervert the course of justice and did not act in accordance with their terms of office
This was a private prosecution it was never a crown prosecution and the RNZSPCA has never instructed your office … does that not matter!!!!
I hope that you can see that you have been used to front these proceedings to give it legitimacy and using your lack of knowledge as to the background to deal with the aspect that a lawyer must never knowingly deceive the court , your colleagues have not been honest with you because both of them would be deceiving the court if they had fronted the sentencing.
We have placed this in the hands of the police I had a theft complaint filed earlier in my investigations and we have now got the police following up due to the discovery of this vital footage
Another matter which we have uncovered is that the microchip numbers were not taken and there is no evidence at all that the dogs taken were identified correctly or were even dogs which came from the seizure classic identity fraud but with dogs.
Similarly dogs went to the pound I have attached the vet reports which were deliberately withheld ..Mafia Zeta Paris Astro I have attached evidence by link to each of the names as you can see the information came directly from the AUCKLAND SPCA .
Logic prevails that if the ladies were charged and found guilty of having sick dogs and the dogs were taken from them and held untreated in kennels for 4 weeks then the RNZSPCA must also be guilty of the same charges because due to the evidence they knew the dogs were sick but did not wash or care for them for 2 weeks . this needs to be subject of charges against the RNZSPCA but what is the bet that the RNZSPCA will say that they never seized the dogs .
I hope that you can see that this is serious Gareth and I believe that the evidence I have provided to you should result in an application to the court to have this fraud on the court and on the crown solicitors office rectified .
The ladies did not have a fair trial , it was no public or fair and vital evidence was withheld manipulated or contorted .
You may wish to have a look at the video link I posted from Malcolm Roberts https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/is-the-rspca-a-charity-or-a-dodgy-business/ published in June 2021 “Much of RSPCA’s revenue is gained from seizing animals from their owners under the rouse of falsely claiming that the animals are not being treated appropriately. A common feature of the RSPCA’s approach involves the RSPCA harassing owners who appear to have fewer means and lack the ability to challenge the RSPCA in court.”
In the interest of transparency I have published this email please note that it is shared with overseas groups who are interested in the corruption of SPCAs world wide , you can play your part in justice by acting to correct the wrong doing by the office which you as acting crown solicitor represent
I look forward to seeing you act in accordance with your terms of office and section 4 Lawyers and conveyancers act especially the obligation to uphold the rule of law and to facilitate the administration of justice in New Zealand:
I hope that you see merit in liaising with the solicitor general now that you know that the terms have not been complied with and a private prosecution with no instructions has been advanced to the stage where animals have been disposed of , destroyed and the lives of two women ( and their families ) have been totally devastated though deceit .
I hope that I am not wrong in believing that you are the person to bring about justice and resolution .
Regards Grace Haden
Response received

text reads :
Given that you are neither one of the defendants nor their legal counsel, I do not intend to respond to the content of your email.
my reply 6.23 pm
Thank you I will publish your response
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